
  • Updated: 2025-03-26 11:51 PM


My name is Kaleb Elwert and I’m a full-time software developer focusing on backend and infrastructure code. I currently work at Datadog on the internal API platform. Previously, I worked for The Pokémon Company International and Atlassian.

Thanks for stopping by my site. Feel free to check out my ramblings in this blog or take a look at some of my other projects below to see what I’ve been up to lately.

Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

Other Projects

  • seabird-chat - Seabird started as an IRC bot but has now morphed into a mini chat network allowing communication between IRC, Discord, and Minecraft as well as adding functionality via plugins, even allowing other people to write their own. The core API is written using gRPC and has been used as a test-bed for ideas and a place to play around with new technologies.
  • go-irc - Go-IRC is an IRC library written in go, meant to be as simple as possible. It aims to stick to the stdlib whenever possible and make it easy to read and write IRC connections as streams. The API design is also based on the stdlib and is a mixture of the Reader/Writer from encoding/json and how requests are handled from net/http.
  • gitdir - An ssh server for serving git repos designed to provide a simple way to store repos in a secure fashion.
  • base16-emacs - A collection of themes which use Chris Kempson’s base16 concept to provide a large number of themes with a small amount of code. I also maintain one of the builder reference implementations.
  • zsh-utils - A small collection of focused zsh plugins aimed at making the default experience better. This is what I personally use in my dotfiles.
  • prezto - A ZSH configuration framework designed to provide a number of convenient modules with sensible defaults, aliases and more. I am one of the maintainers and have been focusing on fixing and cleaning up old issues and pull requests.

Made With

This site was built using hugo. Penguin icon made by Freepik from Flaticon.

Contact Me

If you’d like to reach me, you can email me or you can try one of the other sites listed below: